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Welcome to
the Ombudsman


O for Ombudsman

We take complaints about Oranga Tamariki. This includes groups, organisations and people who do work for Oranga Tamariki.
Get help
Anyone can talk to the Ombudsman.
Our service is free and you won’t get in trouble.
If you are, or have been, unhappy with Oranga Tamariki or a care or custody provider, you can talk to us.

Tell your story

Our service is free and confidential. You can tell us anything. We’ll treat you with respect and you won’t get in trouble.
Fill out the form
Leave your name and contact details.
Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am – 5:00pm.
We’ll respond within 24 to 48 hours if you contact us during this time.
If you contact us outside of hours, we’ll respond once we’re back in the office.
Are you worried
about your safety,
or the safety of someone else?
Oranga Tamariki on 0508 326 459
The Police on 111